After shifting studio to a new location, have done a few shoots though I still need to add some facilities to the new working place. Major some convenience of a multi background roll hook and pulley system, some kind a working table and some shelves to clear the floor area and also to avoid the items from damage. Well it is quite funny if one thinks of it that a slightly larger area we tend to expand with our gear. The only draw back I find in my new place is that it does not have an extra room or an area where a partition could have helped me create some space for securing my equipment, a makeup area, some changing area for the models and a place of my own where I could interact with my clients in privacy. An area where on non working days, that are quite many by the way, where I could enjoy my cat naps with out being seen.
Second day of the month seems to be repeating itself for me as a photography day. It was Agra in Feb and now in March on the second I went out with a group of very young photographers to Chandni Chowk in Delhi. I had been on Orkut, Facebook and there are a few more networking websites, since I hardly used or use them I tend to forget. My personal website, by the grace of God, is doing well getting into the first ten in the Google Search and I get a lot of queries. See I mentioned earlier about the queries all generated through my website. I never looked beyond my website and its responses. Again after meeting Babul I started using Facebook and Flickr and populated them with content and created group as well.
People seem to be pretty active in these networking sites atleast the photography section I can talk about as I am not very much keen on the other groups. I may be wrong in my perception of things other than photography, but I find members of lots of other groups faking things like their identities. Atleast in photography people may be using different online IDs but they are real people when interacting. So a few comments left on some pictures, some comments received on some pictures started a new interaction. And one of the commentators invited me to join an outing to Chandni Chowk with a Facebook group DFC on Sunday, March 2nd. It was a healthy strength of about 30 odd young photographers both male and female. I stood out to be an odd guy out with heavy weight of silver decorating the top most of my body. It was a very good experience once again being amonst the very young crowd of creative minds. Fortunately having been sharing my experience of photography with the students of National Institute of Fashion Technology in Delhi since many years I did not feel myself being in the wrong age group. I do not know how the younger members of the group felt with my presence amongst them, but am sure having a person with photography knowledge was also wanted by some members otherwise with my picture showing up on profile they would not have invited. It was a great time and they have come out with very good meaningful images.
I feel the Digital Camera has helped a lot in making photography popular all over the world. I can co-relate it with the coming on the roads of Maruti car. Earlier we had Ambassador car that was big and bulky with a very heavy stearing and in the lighter versions of vehicles there was this Padmani Fiat and Gazal. The Ambassadors were generally driven by hired drivers while both the light cars were owner self driven. After Maruti one of lightest vehicle came on the roads, each person felt that they could drive. Maruti really helped choke the roads as the government could not catch up to widen the roads to accommodate this surge of cars on the roads. It is pretty similar here with photography. It was mind boggling for lots of people as they never received from the labs results of their shoot except lots of dissapointments. The quick view and delete feature that the digital offers has helped a lot in people taking up photography.
In my interactions with so many young photographers I can say they really shoot good frames, despite their not knowing anything about apertures or shutters or their creative aspects. The camera does for them except that they see well. I can only say there had been people who could see really well (photographically) but they did not have the inclination of learning the technology to give shape to what they saw as a good picture. The digital has helped them in fulfilling their aspirations. The internet is today full of so many good pictures by very young to very old people from all over the world. It is a really a good achievement. Those who keep moving into the deeper side of the knowledge is again not a very big crowd, I think the general public at large just wants to record memories that they missed when only film was there to be used.
At the end of the day we just enjoy good frames of visuals, isn't it true.
While I try add something sensible in here, (readers are the best judge if these additions are sensible enough or not), I feel I may have missed adding due to a query I received for a calendar and posters from an international organisation. The theme: refined, decent and creative female in nudes/semi/implied nudes. I am so very keen and want to take up this project as it is very challenging different from the routine work. So I got myself activated to search for models who could agree to be a part of this project, as I feel getting the models could clinch the deal for me. I know it is tough getting the right models or let me put it in right perpective - the models or the females who may not be modeling. I know for sure as I often get queries from females, husbands for their wives/fiances that they are interested in getting photographed, but like to keep their anonimity. Here the situation is different where use of face is a possibility. Different social mores is making the task tough. Living with a hope I can say that much at this point of time. Maybe some young ones, and not legal minors, reading this blog may help to bail me out and help me in clinching this deal.

Hope to be back soon with some more blogging........